SIRP empowered me to go to school- youth

SIRP - Smallholder Irrigation Revitalisation Programme > Impact > SIRP empowered me to go to school- youth

SIRP empowered me to go to school- youth

  • Posted by: Precious Nkomo

My name is Lizzy Munikwa. I am 17 years old. I live in Chitengedza Villager which falls under Banga Greater Scheme in Chivi, Masvingo. When we received these layers, they were very small they laid very small eggs which formed part of our diet. With time, the birds started to lay big eggs and we began to sell the eggs.

We are a group of four and we were given five birds each. Through the sale of eggs, I managed to buy book s and other school materials. When we sold the eggs, we also managed to supplement our other incomes and managed to buy other food items in the home.

Lizzy father, Mr Munikwa said he was grateful for the assistance that his daughter received from the Smallholder Irrigation Revitalisation Programme (SIRP) He said “The assistance that Lizzy got from SIRP has made a lot of difference in her life. As a parent, I had only managed to buy her one set of school uniforms. After Lizzy received the chickens from SIRP, she sold the eggs and managed to buy herself another set of school uniforms. She also bought school books through the sale of eggs.”

As a gild child who lost her mother, Mr Munikwa says he sometimes struggles to meet provide other material things that are needed by young women. He continued “Lizzy’s mother passed away when she was still young so she had one parent. As a father, sometimes I delay in providing some of the things that she requires as a girl child. Through the sale of eggs, she is able to purchase some of the items that she requires. As a father I sometimes do not know the things that she requires. I am very grateful for this SIRP programme. ”

Author: Precious Nkomo

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